Wednesday, December 28, 2016

No. Trump Did NOT Make Fun of A Journalist's Handicap

Fake News: Trump mocks handicapped reporter. Of all the things that President-elect Trump has said or done, or is alleged to have said or done, this is probably the worst. Fortunately, or unfortunately for those who love to hate Donald Trump, he wasn't mocking reporter Serge Kovaleski's disability, arthrogryposis. He was simply mocking him as he mocks other people. BIG difference. But, in this sense stating, "Trump mocked a disabled reporter" is not entirely false, it's just extremely misleading. Trump was simply demonstrating his rendition of somebody showing cowardice or being flustered. Picture a cartoon character shaking in fear, hands trembling, knees knocking. That's what he was doing. He even states as such. Should note, he did this referring to a non-disabled Ted Cruz, a non-disabled General, and non-disabled bank regulators. The twisted part is how the media portrayed this. I know something about video editing, so imagine if you will some guy or gal at CNN or what have you taking the raw video and pausing it at just the precise moment where Trump's hand is in a position that resembles Kovaleski's right hand. They then take a still shot of that and post it with the headline, "Trump Mocks Disabled Reporter." That's pretty twisted.

Words of caution: there will be those convinced, no matter what, that Trump did this on purpose and that he is a bully. You will show them videos and explain until you're blue in the face and it won't matter. Believe me, I've been there.

Here is a great, detailed explanation, many of you might have come across before: